Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

"Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."

Robert Kiyosaki

Reflection: This statement is trying to say that if you do bad today, your future is going be bad. but if you decide to do good today your future will be wonderful. this is all based on what you decide to do today, and if you wanna be good or bad, it's all up to you.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Student Success Statement (John Wooden)

Student Success Statement
“When I was teaching basketball, I urged my players to try their hardest to improve on that very day, to make that practice a masterpiece.
This rule is even more important in life than basketball. You have to apply yourself each day to become better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better. Only then will you be able to approach being the best you can be. It begins by trying to make each day count and knowing you can never make up for a lost day.”
John Wooden

I think this reflection is trying to say that you have to make yourself better each day. Whether  if it’s on doing good in work or any sport you have to apply yourself and do way better than when you have practiced with your team or by yourself.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Every time I’ve done something that doesn’t feel right, it’s ended up not being right.”
Mario Cuomo

This reflection is trying to say that when you do something bad, you will have that urge you did bad. So that’s why you have to do good to feel that feeling you get when you are doing great.

Tips 1-2

Tips 1-2
Tip 1: Annotate
Be an active reader. Instead of passively reading a text, take notes about important story elements, key factual information and significant ideas in the text.
Tip 2:
Every author writes with a purpose, using deliberate methods to successfully relate specific information to the audience. When you’re reading, look for patterns in the author’s writing. For example, you may notice a repetition of key words, phrases or symbols- or the use of a distinct type of sentence structure. Authors employ these writing strategies to help readers comprehend a central argument or theme, so to explore how these techniques create meaning.

Choose the Right!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


This reflection is trying to tell you that sooner or later everybody gets caught. So you have to always choose the right and do as your suppose to.